Thursday, December 4, 2014


Jenkins thinks that convergence culture is when everything bends and intertwines with all media. There is not space in between. 

Creative engagement is when creative users get involved with the media and channel it through different media channels. They take the information or brand given to them and move it through out media in their own way

Participator are engaged by they are the ones being involved. Everyone is equal through out all different kinds of media and they use their creative engagement to stay connected and keep things moving. 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

trust in websites

First off, apologies if this post is confusing or does not sound right at time. I am currently very sick, so I hope it is not to bad!

I want to talk today about trust in websites. This is a very important aspect when designing your website because if a person does not trust it then what is to make them stay on your page or, if you are trying to sell something, buy anything from you. One way to achieve trust is to make your website look good and up to date. I have been to many sites that looks like they are from the ’80’s making me think, if the creator has not taken the time to update his site then why should I bother looking at it! Also sites that are hard to navigate do not seem very trust worthy to me. It I have to dig and dig to find what I am looking for then I will most likely stop looking before I get to far. 

A positive past experience will also have me going back to the site. If I liked it the first time around then I know I will like it the second, if not like it even more.

We need to pay attention when designing a page, the slightest thing will give a person a bad experience and make them not want to return. So before you hit publish make sure you know your audience and know that they will like what they see and keep coming back!!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

New vs Traditional Media

In this essay the writer talks about how Social media will one day succeed traditional media because of the differences in the freedom of speech and the speed of broadcasting. There are a lot of similarities in new media and traditional media. Both are there to get you informed and let you know what is going on around the world or what is the latest style. You see full page ads for all kinds of products in traditional media just like you see banners and pop ups in new media. This article goes on the talk about the differences and similarities in new and traditional media. While new media is built upon traditional media it is definitely the better form and soon traditional media will no longer be available. I find this to be very sad. I like to have something tangible to hold in my hands and traditional media gives us this. We are able to flip through pages of a magazine or read the funnies in the sunday paper. New media today seems hurried, making you feel like you need to rush through things. Traditional media has a more relaxed feeling to it, when you think of reading a newspaper you think about sitting back in the morning with your coffee leisurely reading the paper. In my personal opinion I hope that traditional media never dies and will always be around.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

why do we blog?

Why do we blog? Almost everyone at some point or time in their life has written a blog, I’m doing it right now! As I sit here and type these words out I don’t how who will read it or if anyone will at all, so why do we blog? People have been blogging way before a computer was in every home or the internet was everywhere you look. Back then it just went by another name, journaling or writing in a diary. People have a need to write everything out, to put it on paper, to express themselves. With the computer and the internet it just makes it that much easier. People blog for many different reasons. There are some that use it as a diary, only wanting to get their feelings out and written down somewhere. Maybe in the hope that somewhere out there someone will read it and feel the same way or comment back with an encouraging message. Some use it as a way to get knowledge out. You can go online and find people writing down there recipe for their mama’s home cooked chili to how to use the newest and latest piece of technology. Knowledge is power and with the internet it is everywhere. Need to know what book to buy? There’s a blog for that. Need to find information on who to vote for? There’s a blog for that. Going on vacation and want to know what fun things there is to do where ever it is your going? There’s a blog for that! You can find a blog about anything you wish to find. In todays society we all have an opinion or something to say and we will get it out there and let people know.